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Global March for Elephants and Rhinos - London

On September 24th, in 130 cities all over the world, millions of people marched together to fight against ivory trade, to stop the killing and to prevent the extinction of sacred and magnificent animals such as elephants and rhinos.


It is the third global march for elephants and rhinos and during the years, it has been backed and supported by NGOs and the United Nations. Some of the requests have led to positive steps towards the ban of ivory trade, some requests have been avoided but for sure, the voice of the people has been heard all over the world.

For the 2016 march the requests were:

“ALL ELEPHANTS AND RHINOS TO BE LISTED ON APPENDIX 1, the CITES list of species that are the most endangered and threatened with extinction. This is a critical listing that would help ensure the survival of elephants and rhinos, as it would prohibit any international trade in their tusks and horns. We will also call on CITES to vote AGAINST legalizing rhino horn trade in South Africa. We are calling for a global ban on ivory and for all governments to destroy their stockpiles.”

Moreover, in the UK there was also a

“Call on the UK government to implement a complete ban on all ivory trade in the UK. Ivory continues to be traded openly here, without any adequate monitoring or enforcing of the laws for such commerce – laws which are complicated, impossible to enforce, and virtually disregarded by ivory dealers. We will continue to pressure the government to keep its pledge to ban ivory in the UK”

Millions have participate to this event. As The Watcher, we participate to the London March, following the path through the city centre (from Oxford Circus to Parliament Street), joining hundreds and hundreds to chant and fight against one of the most brutal slaughtering and disastrous trade of the world. The horns trade must end and we want to fight to obtain these results! We want to fight with all our possibilities (art, passion, creativity, activism...) to stop a massacre. Too many species in the world are suffering because of us. We want to say STOP! Stop the killing that will lead to the extinction of animals. Stop the cruelties. Stop the black market. Start to save and protect our animal friends, our brothers and sisters in nature.

Therefore, we want to thank for the great opportunity we have had to take part to this march and for the possibility of hearing incredible and passionate speeches delivered by mazing and powerful people, which help us to believe in humanity and in the means to change the way things (and the world) work.

And we will continue to fight.

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